
Premier global business and sustainability platform presents new strategy and leadership

发表: 2021年10月28日
类型: 新闻

2021年10月28日,日内瓦: 正规博彩十大网站(WBCSD), the premier CEO-led platform for global business and sustainability with over 200 member companies, 提出了其 策略2022 - 2027 and leadership to step up business action for system transformation.

通过WBCSD, the world’s leading sustainable businesses are brought together to work on accelerating the system transformations needed for a net-zero, 自然积极和公平的未来. The 策略2022 - 2027 is a focused five-year strategy that is aligned with the recently launched business action agenda 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了 和WBCSD的 会员资格标准.

在股东周年大会(AGM), 10月27日举行, 100% of WBCSD member votes approved the strategy that is unique for tackling the three most pressing global sustainability challenges our world faces – the climate emergency, the loss of nature and mounting inequality – in an interconnected way. 该战略有三大支柱:

  1. 规则: 紧迫的是,在当前的十年里, all companies implement ambitious action plans to address the three global challenges. 通过 规则 气候行动, 自然诉讼与公平诉讼, WBCSD will support business to shape strategies and formulate their actions to be on track by 2030 for the transition to net zero emissions; becoming nature positive; and contributing with intention to an inclusive and equitable society. 通过同时完成这三个任务, WBCSD provides a uniquely integrated offer to help leading companies tackle the biggest sustainability challenges society faces.
  2. 途径: 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了 made it clear that business has a leading role to play in the required system transformations. This leadership will manifest itself through the transformation of the value chains from raw material all the way to end-use and waste management. 通过 通路, WBCSD will bring its member companies together around focused collaborative solutions in the following value-chains: 食物, 能源, 产品 & 材料、运输 & 流动性,建筑环境和健康 & 幸福.
  3. 重新定义的值: It’s inevitable that the Capital Market engagement for business will radically change in the current decade. 通过TCFD等框架进行的治理变更, standardization of ESG disclosures through ISSB and development of True Value approaches, will hold business accountable for its impacts on Natural and Social Capital. 通过重新定义价值及其CFO网络, WBCSD will support its member companies in leading the reinvention of Capitalism.

此外,委员们通过了WBCSD的新组成 执行委员会 (行政会议). 自2022年1月1日起, 的行政会议, 由23名成员的执行人员组成, 我有新椅子了吗, 新的副主席, 两名新成员和两名继任者. 五名行政会议成员再次当选,任期两年.

  • 伊Kadri, CEO Solvay and part of 的行政会议 since 2019 (currently in a Vice Chair role), 将出任行政会议主席, 接替桑尼·韦尔盖塞, 首席执行官奥兰, who is ending its term and was at the helm of 的行政会议 from January 2018.
  • 现任行政会议成员 总裁古普塔, 星展银行首席执行官, 已被任命为副主席, 加入凯琳·詹姆斯, 首席执行官ERM, 和艾伦·乔, 联合利华的首席执行官.
  • 弗洛伦特·Menegaux米其林(Michelin)首席执行官 凯瑟琳•麦格雷戈首席执行官Engie将加入行政会议.
  • 现任执行委员会成员来自丰田, 内山田武(Takeshi Uchiyamada), 和中石化, 耀丰曹, 会被他们的同事接替吗 茂Hayakawa丰田公司副董事长 屈宏斌刘中国石化副总裁.
  • 行政会议成员 彼得Oosterveer (Arcadis), jo o Castello Branco (航海家公司) Wiebe Draijer (荷兰) 最低点高德瑞治 (Godrej Group)和 Jan Jenisch (豪瑞)已再次当选,任期为两年.
  • 桑坦德银行首席执行官Ana Botín将结束她的行政会议任期.

在本周星期二的行政会议上, 行政会议成员批准行政长官第三届任期五年 总裁兼首席执行官 彼得不赞美.

彼得不赞美: “Sustainability is going mainstream for governments, business, consumers, and financial markets. This momentum has been building for several years and has accelerated sharply during the COVID-19 pandemic. 环境压力之间的联系, human health and the need for more equitable economic progress has become much clearer to all stakeholders.”

“WBCSD是全球首屈一指的商业和正规博彩十大网站排名平台, 这一地位因最近推出的 2050年正规博彩十大网站:是时候转型了. Our unique offer is to support our member companies in implementing business solutions towards their net zero, nature positive and equity targets in their own operations as well as their value chains. The collective action and global voice that our community is mobilizing sets the example for industries and society to follow. Our leading work on 正规博彩十大网站 helps companies map and position their transitions towards the financial markets. Our plans for the next five years support the acceleration of real action and leadership.”

“I am confident that our new strategy and updated 执行委员会 will enable us to create maximum positive impact for the planet and its people and I am excited to head into my third term as CEO.”

索尔维首席执行官、WBCSD新任主席伊Kadri: “I am honored to be named chair of the 正规博彩十大网站. 正规博彩十大网站排名 have embarked on an incredible journey to lead real action on issues that require a truly collective effort to solve climate change, 自然损耗, 越来越多的不平等. 作为正规博彩十大网站排名的主要商业声音, WBCSD is uniquely positioned to accelerate the transformations we need with other stakeholders to execute our strategy to tackle climate change, 自然丧失和日益加剧的不平等. I look forward to further accelerating the fight against the critical challenges facing our planet and society with the urgency they deserve.”

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